Monday 22 August 2011

My ambition..!:)

offering my time I was little, I wanted to be a soldierwhy I like to watch the war! haha.But that ambition within my children, now my ambition, I want to be a success in the field of art designwith thanks to the prayers of parents, insyaAllah I will achieve myivory tower with my own effortsI do not want to disappoint my parents.:)

Benefits and Disadvantages of CANNABIS

The medicinal value of cannabis is controversial. A large majority of national governments do not recognize the use of plant parts from the plant Cannabis Sativa as something that doctors can recommend to their patients. A number of these governments, including the U.S. government allows, however, in varying degrees, treatment with one or more specific, synthetic cannabinoids for one or more disorders.
Supporters of medical cannabis argue that cannabis does have several well-documented beneficial effects. Among these are: the amelioration of nausea and vomiting, stimulation of hunger in chemotherapy and AIDS patients, lowered intraocular eye pressure (shown to be effective for treating glaucoma), as well as gastrointestinal illness. Its effectiveness as an analgesic has been suggested and disputed as well.
There are several methods for administration of dosage, including vaporizing or smoking dried buds, drinking, or eating extracts, and taking capsules. The comparable efficacy of these methods was the subject of an investigative study conducted by the National Institutes of Health.
Synthetic cannabinoids are available as prescription drugs in some countries. Examples are Marinol(The United States and Canada) and Cesamet(Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States).
While cannabis for recreational use is illegal in all parts of the world, though decriminalized in some, at least some use as a medicine is legal in a number of territories, including Canada, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Israel, Italy, Finland, and Portugal. In the United States, federal law outlaws all use of herb parts from Cannabis, while some states have approved use of herb parts from Cannabis as medical cannabis in conflict with federal law. The United States Supreme Court has ruled in United States v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers' Coop and Gonzales v. Raich that the federal government has a right to regulate and criminalize cannabis, even for medical purposes.  

Investigators at Columbia University published clinical trial data in 2007 showing that HIV/AIDS patients who inhaled cannabis four times daily experienced substantial increases in food intake with little evidence of discomfort and no impairment of cognitive performance. They concluded that smoked marijuana has a clear medical benefit in HIV-positive patients.In another study in 2008, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine found that marijuana significantly reduces HIV-related neuropathic pain when added to a patient's already-prescribed pain management regimen and may be an "effective option for pain relief" in those whose pain is not controlled with current medications. Mood disturbance, physical disability, and quality of life all improved significantly during study treatment.Despite management with opioids and other pain modifying therapies, neuropathic pain continues to reduce the quality of life and daily functioning in HIV-infected individuals. Cannabinoid receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems have been shown to modulate pain perception. No serious adverse effects were reported, according to the study published by the American Academy of Neurology.A study examining the effectiveness of different drugs for HIV associated neuropathic pain found that smoked Cannabis was one of only three drugs that showed evidence of efficacy.


Typical Marijuana Side Effects:

Enhanced cancer risk

Decrease in testosterone levels and lower sperm counts for men
Increase in testosterone levels for women and increased risk of infertility
Diminished or extinguished sexual pleasure
Psychological dependence requiring more of the drug to get the same effect
Difficulty keeping track of time, impaired or reduced short-term memory
Reduced ability to perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination, 
such as driving a car
Increased heart rate
Potential cardiac dangers for those with preexisting heart disease
Bloodshot eyes
Dry mouth and throat
Decreased social inhibitions
Paranoia, hallucinations
Impaired or reduced short-term memory
Impaired or reduced comprehension
Altered motivation and cognition, making the acquisition of new information difficult
Psychological dependence
Impairments in learning and memory, perception, and judgment - difficulty 
speaking, listening effectively, thinking, retaining knowledge, problem solving, 
and forming concepts
Intense anxiety or panic attack.

Sunday 21 August 2011

planking? :) :P

planking? so funny game to me and to all. this game very fun! i'll really enjoy this game! so i and with my friend plan to do this game at college us! so, wait for our appearance. JOIN US..!! :)

Breaking fast with ♥♥♥ her :)

Best when I can break with the her, this time we ate a lot until their stomachs distended. Haha it was fun time. up spilled water, and everyone saw us. And we looked each other and continue to laugh, so funny that time. but she sulky with me, she face so cute time she sulky with me,but I can coax! Haha we really enjoy that day.Thank so much dear! :)

smoke vs myself

Cigarettes? I once was a smoker which has been spent in a day pack of cigarettes. was excruciating. but this was more excruciating.

Within eight hours after quitting smoking, heart rate and blood pressure down and your body's oxygen levels will rise.
Within 24 hours after quitting, the risk of heart attack decreases.
After one month, blood circulation improves, your energy, increases and your lung function APRU increased by 30%.
After a year, your risk of heart disease decreased by 50% compared with those who continued smoking.
After 5 years, your risk of stroke begins to fall.
After 10 years, chances are you have lung cancer is the same as those who never smoked.
Each time you inhale, you absorb more than 4.700 of chemicals that have shown an adverse effect on every inch of your body. Among the effects are not serious is faster wrinkled skin, teeth and fingers turn yellow and later both wounds.

Change your habits.

Avoid stress. Keep working until later in the day
Stay away from smokers
Offer words of encouragement to yourself every day
Promise and reward yourself
Save money smoking
Stolen time - slow-slow light cigarettes
Drinking enough water
Reduce consumption of caffeinated
Although dropping out is the best way, but if you had to stop gradually, the important thing is to STOP.

So .. safe to try! Remember a loved one, follow the example of my kind! HAHA

Friday 19 August 2011

My Dream Cars and bikes

Car is my most interest is the bullock cart, best! Haha i just joke only,my dream vehicle is Lomborghini. but it is not easy I get it. I have to study hard, be a good jobs could have Lomborghini. but I am still grateful that my parents presented me my evo cars a.k.a WAJAHaha my dream bike was the Kawasaki Ninja, I'm very interested motor sports since childhood.but that's not my ambition. this rock to me! :))

my meow meow! :p

Cats! I really like cats :) My first cat advocate of my small hands until now, which has reached 13 years of age with a call NEMO. Judging by that to the average number of kittens from generation to generation has reached to 124 pieces only from the NEMO gene only. but most of my kitten died and disappeared in the theft of. huh! so sad.recently about my cat died poisoned. 7 kittens died in the poison. only a 3 tail alone with me gemok, bengkok and baby that I can save. If I know who is poisoning my cats.I will teach him enough! but ... the picture of a cat that is not the NEMO ok. but peanut! cat my girlfriend! very mischievous cats. Hee